Sunday, July 12, 2009


You'll never guess who sent me these beautiful flowers at work for passing boards!

Yep, it was this guy! This picture was taken July 2, the day I took boards, at the St. Louis Zoo. I decided that going to the zoo would be way more fun than studying! :)

Cardinals Game

On July 1, Bryan and I went to a Cardinals game here in St. Louis. It was the first game I had been to in the new stadium, and we had so much fun! The game went into a 10th inning and ended with a home run! Here are a few pictures from our fun evening together:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

S. Ketchum, RN

It's official!

I passed the NCLEX!!!!

I will receive my nursing license with the state of Missouri sometime in the next 2 weeks!! I can now legally sign my patients' charts S. Ketchum, RN. :)